AIR DUCT CLEANING 1000-1500 sqft


Dirty air ducts can lead to a variety of problems for your family, ranging from allergies to vermin sneaking indoors. Get your air ducts professionally cleaned by the Dirt Busters.

We're licensed, bonded, and insured! Trust the Pros! If your home is 1500 sqft or less this is the package for you. 

Here's the Deal:

  • Air duct inspection prior to cleaning
  • Cleaning of all registers
  • Soft bristle brush agitation of all duct interiors
  • Cleaning of ducts under negative HEPA filtration
  • Cleaning of cold-air return
  • Installing all-new filter(s)
  • Inspection of the furnace
  • Optional: AC Condenser Until Cleaning $189 each

Process Time: 3-4 hours 

Refund or Cancellation$40 cancellation/refund fee

Dryer Duct Cleaning

Improve performance, prevent a fire, save money, and look good while doing it. Let the Dirt Busters handle it!

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Our Shop

162 N. Glassell St #B
Orange, CA 92866

Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm
Saturday, 8am - 5pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm

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